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Streamlit Deep Dive

June, 20 2023 | Meetup | Code Samples | Recording

This presentation will focus on Streamlit, an open-source app framework for creating web apps. No front-end development required (unless you want to customize the CSS of the app). Anything you can draw in a Python application can be displayed seamlessly in your Streamlit web app. This includes interactive plots from libraries like Matplotlib, Plotly and all the rest. Streamlit also features typical HTML-equivalent elements to create modern layouts and multi-page websites.

We'll walk through the process of creating and hosting a Streamlit web app. The content of this app will be a set of tools to facilitate a tabletop RPG called Lancer. These tools will be character creation helpers, NPC generators, narrative guides and more.

Hosted by Corey Farmer.

In-person and online. Recording

